The age of modern man is full of new challenges and stress. This turmoil can be seen in almost all the spheres of life. We need to find a solution to tackle this situation, in which EI comes to our rescue. EI has become even more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify and regulate one’s emotions and understand the emotions the others. EI helps you to build relationships, reduce team stress, defuse conflict and improve over all mental health of the individuals. Students, after Post COVID 19, are facing many problems and feel themselves lost.
In order to facilitate its students, the faculty of the college tries its level best. Department of Languages and Social Sciences organized an extension lecture on the theme “Emotional Intelligence for a Better Mental Health and Academic Success”. The lecture was organized on Sept. 24, 2022 at College Library Hall. Daniel G. Mekonnen, an international research scholar, was invited as speaker to address the students of the college. Mr. Daniel provided a great insight to this new emerging science. He gave a detailed lecture on self-awareness, social-awareness, self-regulation, relationship-management, empathy & social skills. The students showed great interest in this lecture and many questions were asked from the speaker, in response to which Mr. Daniel provided satisfactory replies to the students of the College.
Principal, Dr. Baljit Singh also addressed the audience and gave a warm welcome to the speaker. Principal, Dr. Baljit Singh also laid great importance to emotional intelligence and asked the students to seek help from the Holy Scriptures. These texts make us emotionally strong and one can master his emotions by seeking help from the same. Principal also congratulated both the departments and Prof. Navdeep Singh (Co-Ordinator) for organizing such a wonderful and meaningful event for the students. Prof. Jaspal Singh, Prof. Lakhwinderjeet Kaur, Prof. Ritu Singh, Prof. Arvinder Singh, Prof. Harwinder Kaur, Prof. Arvinder Kaur, Prof. Navdeep Singh and all other members of the faculty were present there.